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Aspects To Consider When Choosing The Best Desk Lamp

Desk Lamps are one of the most popular items in the office. They help to light up the workspace and make it feel cozier. They also can do a lot more than that. They can be used for desk use, taken out to use the redeployment room, or simply used as a highlight reel for your team. But how do you choose the best desk lamp?

Things to consider when choosing the best desk lamp

There are a lot of desk lamps on the market, and it is challenging to choose what is the best. Here are a few things that you need to consider when choosing the best desk lamp for your office:

Size and weight

The first thing that you need to consider is the size and weight of the desk lamp. Desk lamps with a large base will be able to provide more light, but they can also be bulky and heavy. If you are planning on taking the desk lamp out of the office, you should consider one that is small enough to fit into your bag. The smaller ones are also easier to handle.

Power source

Desk lamps come in different power sources too. Some have batteries, while others are plugged in. You will need to choose one that has a power source that you can use for a long time without having to charge it up again.

Decoration or no decoration?

Do you want your desk lamp decorated or not? Decorated ones look great in an office setting as they give off a nice glow. They also make your workspace look nicer as they make it feel more homely and cozy than an unadorned lamp. If you do not want to go for a decorated lamp, you should consider one that is made of glass so that you can have a better view of the light source.

Color and shape

Different desk lamps come in different shapes and colors. You should be able to choose one that matches your office décor. The shape is also an essential factor to consider as it will determine how much light it will produce. The best shape for your desk lamp is one that has a triangular base, as it gives off the most light and is easiest to move around with ease.


Desk lamps are an indispensable element in an office. They can be used for more than just task lighting. And there are many desk lamps to choose from, so consider the above factors to choose the best one.

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